Hyaliko is a universe occupied by the Hyaliko particles, purveyors of fine art. This universe revolves around a gallery platform made of Spaces design for displaying and sharing NFTs. Each Space is a 3D gallery that can be explored and curated to the Space holders liking. Every gallery is free to visit and explore. You can read more about us here.

Expanding the Hyaliko Universe

During my time at Hyaliko I designed and modeled 3D NFT gallery Spaces, launched the Hyaliko Avatar Collection and online 3D minting experience, and provided visual and product design support across the Hyaliko universe.


The Hyaliko Avatar Collectionconsists of fully on-chain 3D Avatars that serve as interoperable w3b identities within Hyaliko and beyond. Each avatar is an NFT consisting of a randomly combined 3D body, 2D face, and body color. Existing space holders were allotted a set number of free mints before public minting began. The avatars were minted within a new 3D Space designed specifically for this experience. The Hyaliko Collection minted out in January 2023.


I designed and launched the final 10 Spaces for the Hyaliko Space Collection. Each Space is an NFT that gives you access to your very own virtual gallery. Once inside you can curate, explore, and hangout with your friends. When designing these spaces I tried to invoke a sense of play, discovery, and wonder. Keeping the spaces low poly helped to evoke those emotions as well as being an optimization factor for the performance of the platform.

+ Please contact me if you would like more information about this work.